
加州大学洛杉矶分校 students enrolled in a degree-seeking program and certain specialty programs have access to 学生健康中心 (SHC) services (refer to 资格 详情). Most basic services are available at no out-of-pocket cost, some basic services and specialty services are offered at a reasonable cost. 服务 fees may be paid via cash, check or online payment.


Our services are currently available through in-person and telehealth appointments.

联系: 323-343-3300

小时:星期一至星期四:上午8:30.m. – 5:45 p.m. & 星期五:上午8:30.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Closed on weekends and University holidays. Hours may vary during semester breaks and intersessions.

语言翻译: Interpretive services are available to assist students with limited or no English proficiency.

患者隐私、权利 & 责任

The 学生健康中心 is required by law to protect the privacy of your health information and to provide you with a notice of privacy practices. The notice addresses all information that identifies you, 支付给你的医疗费用, how we keep your personal and health information private, and our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to health information. We are legally required to follow the terms of this Notice. 


The 学生健康中心 aims to continually strive to improve our services.


  • You can tell us how we are doing in our efforts to provide the best possible health care.
  • We ask that you participate in your care by recognizing your rights and adhering to your responsibilities to help enable us to provide the best possible care to you.

患者满意度、权利 and 责任


  • Basic outpatient care, including illness and injury screening, diagnostic and/or treatment services
  • 计划生育服务
  • 急救
  • 预防医学
  • Referrals to off-campus healthcare providers and hospitals
  • 生殖和性保健
  • 选择体检(e.g., athletic, pre-employment, program-based)

A variety of immunizations are available at reasonable cost, including:

免疫接种 每剂费用
Gardasil-9 (HPV | Series of 3 injections) $250
甲型肝炎(2次注射) $65 
乙型肝炎(3针系列) $45
Menveo(脑膜炎球菌) $115
麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹 $85
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis | Injury related) $0
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis | Booster, non-injury related) $45
伤寒病毒(伤寒病毒) $115
Varivax (Varicella/Chicken Pox | Series of 2 injections) $160


Lab tests are performed to support clinical care and treatment. Certain lab tests are available at no cost (e.g.(尿检验孕). Other tests are available for reasonable fees (e.g.、化学化验、爱滋病及性病化验). Below is a sample of commonly ordered lab tests.



CBC w/微分
H. 幽门螺杆菌(内部检测)




血液/ Rh类型 $6
综合代谢小组 $3
衣原体/球菌,探针/尿液 $40
糖化血红蛋白 $5
HIV 1/2抗原 & 抗体 $10
铁总 $8
脂质板 $8
QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus $48
RPR w/反射滴度 $4
镰状细胞 $6
促甲状腺激素 $6
维生素D $15


    The 学生健康中心 pharmacy offers medications for reasonable fees, including:

    • 非处方药(e).g.(过敏和感冒药,维生素)
    • 处方药

    Medications available through the 药店 include:

    非处方药/测试 处方药
    日间感冒和流感(2美元).09) 阿莫西林500毫克,20粒胶囊(3美元)
    Econtra紧急避孕($30) Bactrim DS, 6片(3美元)
    布洛芬200mg 24片(1美元).08) 头孢氨苄500毫克,20粒(3美元)
    氯雷他定10mg, 30片(1美元).85) 氟康唑150mg 1片($3)
    验孕棒(2美元.42) Triamicinolone 0.1%乳霜15毫克(3美元)



    • 基本诊断x射线
    • 胸部x光检查肺结核


    The Health Promotion and Education Center offers inclusive, evidence-based health and wellness programs covering a range of collegiate health topics. 


    The 学生健康中心's licensed registered dietician offers no-cost:

    • 综合营养评估
    • 膳食计划和审核
    • 医学营养疗法
    • 运动营养
    • Supplement recommendation and optimization


    辅导及心理服务 (CAPS) provides confidential and non-judgmental help with your personal growth and psychological wellness.


    生殖 & 性健康

    • 屏障和激素避孕药
    • 避孕药
    • 避孕套
      • 外部/男性避孕套
      • 内部/女用避孕套
    • 甲孕酮
    • NuvaRing
    • 杀精剂(应要求提供)
    • 紧急避孕法
      • 艾拉
      • B计划

    • Family planning and contraception counseling and education
    • 子宫颈癌筛查
    • 避孕的评估
    • 怀孕测试
    • Pregnancy options counseling and education

    计划生育 Access Care Treatment (Family PACT) is a State of California program that offers no-cost 计划生育 and related services, 包括免费避孕方法, 紧急避孕法, 性传播感染检测.

    The 学生健康中心 is a Family PACT participant and offers:

    • Family PACT application and client eligibility certification
    • 无成本的避孕方法, 计划生育, and related services (for Family PACT-eligible students)

    注:家庭PACT是一个可选项目. 学生 who are not in the Family PACT program receive 计划生育, 避孕方法, and related services for reasonable fees (if applicable).

    To find a participating provider near you, use the 家庭PACT提供者搜索工具.


    DISCLAIMER: These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by 加州大学洛杉矶分校 of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

    • 乳房检查
    • 癌症筛查
    • 咨询和教育
    • 艾滋病毒检测
    • 药物流产
    • 盆腔检查
    • 转介服务
    • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment
    • 睾丸考试
    • 健康探访和检查



    Chiropractic care is provided by Los Angeles College of Chiropractic interns, 由持牌脊医监督. 诊所提供:

    • 脊椎调整
    • 治疗下背部和颈部问题
    • Exercises for posture, movement, flexibility, endurance, strength, balance, and coordination


    首次访问 $10
    跟进访问 $5


    按摩疗法 is on summer break and will return fall '24.


    The clinic’s certified massage therapist offers:

    • 半小时和一小时的穴位按摩
    • Zen Shiatsu and Jin Shin Jyutsu massage sessions
    • 员工会议


    30分钟的会议 $15


    The 验光诊所 is on summer break and will return fall '24.



    • 完整的折射
    • 青光眼筛查
    • 眼睛健康评估
    • 单视力和双焦点透镜
    • 标准隐形眼镜和一次性隐形眼镜


    普通眼科检查 $45


    第一次隐形眼镜检查 $120
    当前隐形眼镜佩戴者检查 $75


    Peace Over Violence provides support to students who have experienced or been impacted by sexual violence and or domestic violence (for example, 性侵犯, 亲密伴侣暴力, 跟踪, 不正当的性行为, 性骚扰, 等.).

    The Campus Advocate provides confidential, no-cost on-campus support to students. 访问 与律师会面 有关详细信息,.



    • 磋商
    • 牙科x射线
    • 有限的龋齿治疗和填充物
    • 口语考试
    • 牙齿清洁
    • 书面评估
    • 转介服务


    Basic psychiatric care is available by referral from a 学生健康中心 CAPS or medical provider. 精神科服务包括:

    • 精神评估和治疗
    • 药物管理
    • 转介服务